Leadership and Kite-flying

July 3rd, 2013 by Kelly Kienzle

“If everything depends on context, how can you still have principles?” This is a question asked of Sonia Sotomayor, as described in her autobiography, “My Beloved World”.  This question is asked of her in high school, when she is accused of arguing from multiple viewpoints, always

Helpful Envy

April 30th, 2013 by Kelly Kienzle

Green with envy.  We often think of envy as a prickly thing that can only hurt us.  So, let me explain how someone recently used envy in a helpful way. Consider what sort of person you always wish you were.  What characteristics of your friends or

Feeling You Are Without Options? Let’s Create Some…

March 29th, 2013 by Kelly Kienzle

Our frustration at work usually comes as a result of feeling we have no options. We hear ourselves and our colleagues say: “This is the only result that will please the client.” “We don’t have the resources to do anything else.” “We simply don’t have any


February 28th, 2013 by Kelly Kienzle

When was the last time you were surprised to discover something about a colleague?  What made you feel surprised?  Was the new fact so very unusual for a member of the human race?  Likely not.  Yet it was probably unusual to the image you had constructed

Which Way Do You Go: Towards What is Known or What is New?

January 29th, 2013 by Kelly Kienzle

How do you know whether to accept a new opportunity?  What are the merits of listening to the voice of experience and reason versus the dare-devil voice urging you towards a new, bolder move?  When making a decision, how much should we rely on proven strengths

The Forgiveness Vitamin

October 5th, 2012 by Kelly Kienzle

What if you were to forgive yourself once every day?  What if you allowed yourself to make at least one mistake for which you would not beat yourself up?  What if you held yourself to the same reasonable standard that you hold others? Here’s the scenario: 


September 5th, 2012 by Kelly Kienzle

 A client recently sent me an interesting manifesto, “How to Be Legendary” about how to develop new habits and get things done.  One of its central points was that if we want to start following our dreams, then we need to begin.  The author put it

The Two Key Ingredients for Your Best Performance: Simplicity and Certainty

July 31st, 2012 by Kelly Kienzle

We are constantly called upon to give our very best performance.  We face questions such as: How will I give my very best interview?  How will I deliver my very best marketing pitch?  How will I swim my very fastest time? I would offer just two

Servant Leadership in Service to You

June 27th, 2012 by Kelly Kienzle

The philosophy behind servant leadership is a humble one: help others do what they need to do. Yet, as a leader, adopting this philosophy can also help you. The reason is this: In difficult situations, you can overcome your fears if you think first about what

Becoming a Workplace Coach for Your Team

February 29th, 2012 by Kelly Kienzle

If I asked you to choose between attending a 5-hour training session in a windowless room with a soggy sandwich for lunch, or… holding a meaningful dialogue with members of your team on a highly specific and profoundly important topic, which would you choose? If you