If we hold a prism in the light, a display of shapes and colors appears.  If we then shift the prism, even slightly, suddenly a new array of shapes and colors appears.  I am committed to a coaching relationship that supports you to shift the prism to produce a new array of possible solutions.

Individual Coaching

An individual coaching session is a focused time to concentrate wholly on yourself and the role you play in your organization.  We will discuss your goals in a safe environment where we can test answers until we uncover the strategy or mindset you need to succeed.  We will find a practice by which you can incorporate that mindset into your everyday life and your company’s culture.  These moves will happen fluidly, not necessarily in this order, and will manifest themselves in big or small changes that will impact the effectiveness of your organization, your team and yourself.

As the coach, I will both support and challenge you during our coaching relationship.  Specifically, I will:

  • Be committed to your learning
  • Adapt my resources and tools to meet your needs and interests
  • Ensure you are heard and understood during our sessions
  • Be a trusted advisor who will challenge your old beliefs and help inspire new ones
  • Search for and deliver additional resources tailored to your evolving needs
  • Track overall progress on your development plan
  • Assign homework including self-observation exercises, journal assignments and reading for you to complete between our sessions.  We will jointly discuss these assignments and adapt them to fit within the demands of your schedule.

Additional Services

The following services can be included in your Individual Coaching Package. Please click to view a description of each service.

360-degree Feedback Interviews

Receiving feedback from your colleagues regarding how they perceive you is a key element to identifying your development goals.  The process is as follows:

  • You and I will draft a series of questions that you want asked of your colleagues.  These questions will pertain to your goals and the changes you seek.
  • I will conduct a series of interviews with people you select.  These can be peers, people who report to you and to whom you report.  In a confidential setting, I will ask them the questions we developed and encourage a fully honest response.
  • I will ask follow-up questions when verbal or physical cues indicate a deeper issue may exist.
  • I will synthesize the results of these interviews into an overall assessment of your strengths and areas for improvement.  This summary will contain the beliefs most commonly shared across your colleagues.
  • We will then weave these findings into your overall development plan to ensure you are aligned with the vision and goals of your team and your organization.
  • Following the close of our coaching relationship, I will return to your organization 6-9 months later to perform another round of interviews to determine how your colleagues now perceive you and evaluate the progress you have made.

Assessment Surveys

Before any of us take on new challenges, we must clearly understand how we perceive ourselves.  To determine our strengths, as well as what derails us, we will use various self-assessment tests, selected based on your goals.  These surveys could include:

  • StrengthFinders 2.0 Survey©
  • Hogan Leadership Assessment©
  • DiSC Assessment Survey©
  • TruValues Assessment Test©
  • Wheel of Life Exercise
  • Management Competencies Wheel
  • Future Self Exercise
  • 5 Saboteurs Survey©

Observed Leadership Meeting

I will attend a meeting at your organization to observe your leadership presence, communication style, body language and interpersonal skills.   Together we will identify areas for improvement and incorporate them into the overall coaching objectives.

Recommended Reading List

You will receive a personalized reading list to support with your goals and interests.  These readings will span the fields of adult development, team leadership, vision-setting, communications, psychology, time management and other personally relevant topics.

Additional Services (no charge)

  • Prior to launching our coaching relationship, we will have an initial conversation to confirm our compatibility and whether coaching would be useful for you.
  • Throughout our coaching relationship, I will provide e-mail support to respond to urgent needs or short questions.
  • At the end of our time together, I will create a Summary of Accomplishments reflecting all you have achieved.