Self Judgments Leave Me Hungry

December 19th, 2017 by Kelly Kienzle

Most of us can agree with the following statement: “I am my harshest critic.” We know this about ourselves and we know how much grief and suffering it brings us.  When we step back from a situation where we believe we were insufficient, we notice that

Appreciate the Now or Pursue the Dream?

October 31st, 2017 by Kelly Kienzle

So often we think we must do both. We believe we must slow down and appreciate what we have. Yet we also want to believe in and pursue our dreams. But does pursuing a dream mean that we are unhappy or dissatisfied with the present? On

Why Rejection at Work Hurts

August 30th, 2017 by Kelly Kienzle

Do you remember a time when you were turned down for a promotion? Or how about a time when you applied for a job that you felt certain was a perfect fit for your skills and experience, only to find out that you were not selected?

Other People’s Faces

June 28th, 2017 by Kelly Kienzle

“Now I become myself It’s taken time, many years and places. I have been dissolved and shaken, Worn other people’s faces….” That poem by May Sarton, for me, describes how I have often moved through my professional life. I have worked at several companies, across a

Your Saboteur and Your Sage: A Tale of Two Voices

April 21st, 2017 by Kelly Kienzle

Two voices walked into a bar and started an argument about who was stronger. The Saboteur Voice said, “I know I am stronger because I can see how you are weak, sloppy and just not very smart.” The Sage voice responded, “I know that I am

Searching for What’s Good

February 10th, 2017 by Kelly Kienzle

These children see only what is good – – to eat! I recently had the pleasure and honor of working with a large organization to understand what was unique and good about their culture. This organization existed within a somewhat staid industry.  They struggled to attract

Profound Self-Confidence

December 28th, 2016 by Kelly Kienzle

Once again this year, I plan to ditch the New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I want to focus on this little gem I found recently: “It takes profound self-confidence to be humble enough to recognize your own limitations without self-blame.” This quote is from Norman Fischer and,

Coping with Change

November 14th, 2016 by Kelly Kienzle

Many times over the last week I have attempted to write this note. As my mind swirls to understand the source, emotions and outcome of change, I have used many different approaches. I share them here in the belief that change is inevitable and so we

How to Wear a Crown

September 30th, 2016 by Kelly Kienzle

The new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture opened a week ago and I am enthralled by it already. I read everything about it that crosses my path. I am learning even from this museum’s opening about a segment of our culture and a

Moving Back to Center

August 29th, 2016 by Kelly Kienzle

Sometimes after we’ve been in a role for a while, we are no longer happy. We go through our work almost blindly and do not need to exert much intellectual energy to fulfill our responsibilities satisfactorily. Sometimes we can even be performing above average, but doing