What is Your Good Left Undone?

October 22nd, 2024 by Kelly Kienzle

Do you feel you have done enough good in the world?  I don’t yet.  I’m working on it (literally, through my coaching and facilitation).  Yet sometimes I wonder where else I can do good.

I recently read the historical fiction novel, The Good Left Undone by Adriana Trigiani that described how many missed and overlooked opportunities for doing good exist. When we leave the good undone, we leave our lives a little more hollow.

The Positivity Ratio

I often surprise my clients with the research that shows the most successful teams are those that receive a 3:1 ratio of positive feedback to negative feedback from their leaders.  3:1!  With this amount of affirmation and assurance, these studies show that teams begin a self-accelerating upward spiral that causes the team to flourish.

Understandably, most of my clients moan over how hard that number would be to hit.  But then I challenge them to list all of the positive qualities that one of their team members has shown over the last month.  I then ask if they have told this team member what they appreciate about them. Suddenly, the number 3 feels well within their reach.

Keep it Simple

Most of the time, these leaders have not expressed all that they have felt about their team members.  Often they hold good words left undone or unsaid.  And I am not talking about writing them a thank-you note every time a team member finishes an email.

Instead, simply saying, “This is really helpful” or “You’re showing very creative thinking on this project” is all that is needed. You may take only 2-3 seconds to give that heartening feedback.

Positivity ROI

Conversely, don’t we all drag our feet at least a little when we have to give negative feedback?  Wouldn’t we really rather give positive feedback three times as often?

So saying the good words will not only motivate and uplift your team.  It may also brighten your own day to know you did not leave any good undone.

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